1st–3rd author refereed articles (click to expand)
Homma, K. A., Okuzumi, S., Arakawa, S., & Fukai, R. 2024, Isotopic variation of non-carbonaceous meteorites caused by dust leakage across the Jovian gap in the solar nebula, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 881-894,
Ueda, T., Tazaki, R., Okuzumi, S., Flock, M., & Sudarshan, P. 2024, Support for fragile porous dust in a gravitationally self-regulated disk around IM Lup, Nature Astronomy, 8, 1148-1158,
Fukuhara, Y., & Okuzumi, S. 2024, A self-consistent model for dust settling and the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 708-719,
Tatsuuma, M., Kataoka, A., Okuzumi, S., & Tanaka, H. 2023, Formulating Compressive Strength of Dust Aggregates from Low to High Volume Filling Factors with Numerical Simulations, The Astrophysical Journal, 953, 6,
Arakawa, S., Okuzumi, S., Tatsuuma, M., Tanaka, H., Kokubo, E., Nishiura, D., Furuichi, M., & Nakamoto, T. 2023, Size Dependence of the Bouncing Barrier in Protoplanetary Dust Growth, The Astrophysical Journal, 951, L16,
Ueda, T., Okuzumi, S., Kataoka, A., & Flock, M. 2023, Probing the temperature structure of the inner region of a protoplanetary disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 675, A176,
Kondo, K., Okuzumi, S., & Mori, S. 2023, The Roles of Dust Growth in the Temperature Evolution and Snow Line Migration in Magnetically Accreting Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 949, 119,
Delage, T. N., Gárate, M., Okuzumi, S., Yang, C.-C., Pinilla, P., Flock, M., Stammler, S. M., & Birnstiel, T. 2023, The impact of dust evolution on the dead zone outer edge in magnetized protoplanetary disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 674, A190,
Yamamuro, R., Tanaka, K. E. I., & Okuzumi, S. 2023, Massive Protostellar Disks as a Hot Laboratory of Silicate Grain Evolution, The Astrophysical Journal, 949, 29,
Fukuhara, Y., Okuzumi, S., & Ono, T. 2023, Two saturated states of the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks with vertically varying cooling times, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 233-249,
Okuzumi, S., Ueda, T., & Turner, N. J. 2022, A global two-layer radiative transfer model for axisymmetric, shadowed protoplanetary disks, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 74, 828-850,
Tsukamoto, Y., & Okuzumi, S. 2022, Impact of Dust Size Distribution Including Large Dust Grains on Magnetic Resistivity: An Analytical Approach, The Astrophysical Journal, 934, 88,
Delage, T. N., Okuzumi, S., Flock, M., Pinilla, P., & Dzyurkevich, N. 2022, Steady-state accretion in magnetized protoplanetary disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 658, A97,
Nakazawa, K., Okuzumi, S., Kurosawa, K., & Hasegawa, S. 2021, Modeling Early Clustering of Impact-induced Ejecta Particles Based on Laboratory and Numerical Experiments, The Planetary Science Journal, 2, 237,
Mori, S., Okuzumi, S., Kunitomo, M., & Bai, X.-N. 2021, Evolution of the Water Snow Line in Magnetically Accreting Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 916, 72,
Fukuhara, Y., Okuzumi, S., & Ono, T. 2021, Effects of Dust Evolution on the Vertical Shear Instability in the Outer Regions of Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 914, 132,
Hu, X., Wang, L., Okuzumi, S., & Zhu, Z. 2021, A Tale of Two Grains: Impact of Grain Size on Ring Formation via Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamic Processes, The Astrophysical Journal, 913, 133,
Tsuchiyama, A., Miyake, A., Okuzumi, S., Kitayama, A., Kawano, J., Uesugi, K., Takeuchi, A., Nakano, T., & Zolensky, M. 2021, Discovery of primitive CO2-bearing fluid in an aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrite, Science Advances, 7, eabg9707,
Okuya, A., Okuzumi, S., Ohno, K., & Hirano, T. 2020, Constraining the Bulk Composition of Disintegrating Exoplanets Using Combined Transmission Spectra from JWST and SPICA, The Astrophysical Journal, 901, 171,
Ohno, K., Okuzumi, S., & Tazaki, R. 2020, Clouds of Fluffy Aggregates: How They Form in Exoplanetary Atmospheres and Influence Transmission Spectra, The Astrophysical Journal, 891, 131,
Hu, X., Zhu, Z., Okuzumi, S., Bai, X.-N., Wang, L., Tomida, K., & Stone, J. M. 2019, Nonideal MHD Simulation of HL Tau Disk: Formation of Rings, The Astrophysical Journal, 885, 36,
Okuzumi, S., Mori, S., & Inutsuka, S. 2019, The Generalized Nonlinear Ohm's Law: How a Strong Electric Field Influences Nonideal MHD Effects in Dusty Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 878, 133,
Okuzumi, S., & Tazaki, R. 2019, Nonsticky Ice at the Origin of the Uniformly Polarized Submillimeter Emission from the HL Tau Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 878, 132,
Homma, K. A., Okuzumi, S., Nakamoto, T., & Ueda, Y. 2019, Rocky Planetesimal Formation Aided by Organics, The Astrophysical Journal, 877, 128,
Koga, S., Tsukamoto, Y., Okuzumi, S., & Machida, M. N. 2019, Dependence of Hall coefficient on grain size and cosmic ray rate and implication for circumstellar disc formation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484, 2119-2136,
Ida, S., Yamamura, T., & Okuzumi, S. 2019, Water delivery by pebble accretion to rocky planets in habitable zones in evolving disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 624, A28,
Kataoka, A., Okuzumi, S., & Tazaki, R. 2019, Millimeter-wave Polarization Due to Grain Alignment by the Gas Flow in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 874, L6,
Mori, S., Bai, X.-N., & Okuzumi, S. 2019, Temperature Structure in the Inner Regions of Protoplanetary Disks: Inefficient Accretion Heating Controlled by Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamics, The Astrophysical Journal, 872, 98,
Ueda, T., Flock, M., & Okuzumi, S. 2019, Dust Pileup at the Dead-zone Inner Edge and Implications for the Disk Shadow, The Astrophysical Journal, 871, 10,
Kanagawa, K. D., Muto, T., Okuzumi, S., Tanigawa, T., Taki, T., & Shibaike, Y. 2018, Impacts of Dust Feedback on a Dust Ring Induced by a Planet in a Protoplanetary Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 868, 48,
Tsukamoto, Y., Okuzumi, S., Iwasaki, K., Machida, M. N., & Inutsuka, S. 2018, Does Misalignment between Magnetic Field and Angular Momentum Enhance or Suppress Circumstellar Disk Formation?, The Astrophysical Journal, 868, 22,
Ohno, K., & Okuzumi, S. 2018, Microphysical Modeling of Mineral Clouds in GJ1214 b and GJ436 b: Predicting Upper Limits on the Cloud-top Height, The Astrophysical Journal, 859, 34,
Machida, M. N., Higuchi, K., & Okuzumi, S. 2018, Different modes of star formation: gravitational collapse of magnetically subcritical cloud, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473, 3080-3094,
Johansen, A., & Okuzumi, S. 2018, Harvesting the decay energy of <SUP>26</SUP>Al to drive lightning discharge in protoplanetary discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 609, A31,
Tsukamoto, Y., Okuzumi, S., Iwasaki, K., Machida, M. N., & Inutsuka, S. 2017, The impact of the Hall effect during cloud core collapse: Implications for circumstellar disk evolution, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 69, 95,
Mori, S., Muranushi, T., Okuzumi, S., & Inutsuka, S. 2017, Electron Heating and Saturation of Self-regulating Magnetorotational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 849, 86,
Shibaike, Y., Okuzumi, S., Sasaki, T., & Ida, S. 2017, Satellitesimal Formation via Collisional Dust Growth in Steady Circumplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 846, 81,
Schoonenberg, D., Okuzumi, S., & Ormel, C. W. 2017, What pebbles are made of: Interpretation of the V883 Ori disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 605, L2,
Hasegawa, Y., Okuzumi, S., Flock, M., & Turner, N. J. 2017, Magnetically Induced Disk Winds and Transport in the HL Tau Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 845, 31,
Ueda, T., Okuzumi, S., & Flock, M. 2017, Analytic Expressions for the Inner-rim Structure of Passively Heated Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 843, 49,
Tsukamoto, Y., Okuzumi, S., & Kataoka, A. 2017, Apparent Disk-mass Reduction and Planetisimal Formation in Gravitationally Unstable Disks in Class 0/I Young Stellar Objects, The Astrophysical Journal, 838, 151,
Ohno, K., & Okuzumi, S. 2017, A Condensation-coalescence Cloud Model for Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Formulation and Test Applications to Terrestrial and Jovian Clouds, The Astrophysical Journal, 835, 261,
Tazaki, R., Tanaka, H., Okuzumi, S., Kataoka, A., & Nomura, H. 2016, Light Scattering by Fractal Dust Aggregates. I. Angular Dependence of Scattering, The Astrophysical Journal, 823, 70,
Sato, T., Okuzumi, S., & Ida, S. 2016, On the water delivery to terrestrial embryos by ice pebble accretion, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 589, A15,
Okuzumi, S., Momose, M., Sirono, S.-. iti ., Kobayashi, H., & Tanaka, H. 2016, Sintering-induced Dust Ring Formation in Protoplanetary Disks: Application to the HL Tau Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 821, 82,
Kobayashi, H., Tanaka, H., & Okuzumi, S. 2016, From Planetesimals to Planets in Turbulent Protoplanetary Disks. I. Onset of Runaway Growth, The Astrophysical Journal, 817, 105,
Mori, S., & Okuzumi, S. 2016, Electron Heating in Magnetorotational Instability: Implications for Turbulence Strength in the Outer Regions of Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 817, 52,
Tsukamoto, Y., Iwasaki, K., Okuzumi, S., Machida, M. N., & Inutsuka, S. 2015, Effects of Ohmic and ambipolar diffusion on formation and evolution of first cores, protostars, and circumstellar discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452, 278-288,
Tsukamoto, Y., Iwasaki, K., Okuzumi, S., Machida, M. N., & Inutsuka, S. 2015, Bimodality of Circumstellar Disk Evolution Induced by the Hall Current, The Astrophysical Journal, 810, L26,
Tomida, K., Okuzumi, S., & Machida, M. N. 2015, Radiation Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Protostellar Collapse: Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamic Effects and Early Formation of Circumstellar Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 801, 117,
Okuzumi, S., & Inutsuka, S. 2015, The Nonlinear Ohm's Law: Plasma Heating by Strong Electric Fields and its Effects on the Ionization Balance in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 800, 47,
Takeuchi, T., & Okuzumi, S. 2014, Radial Transport of Large-scale Magnetic Fields in Accretion Disks. II. Relaxation to Steady States, The Astrophysical Journal, 797, 132,
Kataoka, A., Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., & Nomura, H. 2014, Opacity of fluffy dust aggregates, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 568, A42,
Okuzumi, S., Takeuchi, T., & Muto, T. 2014, Radial Transport of Large-scale Magnetic Fields in Accretion Disks. I. Steady Solutions and an Upper Limit on the Vertical Field Strength, The Astrophysical Journal, 785, 127,
Fujii, Y. I., Okuzumi, S., Tanigawa, T., & Inutsuka, S. 2014, On the Viability of the Magnetorotational Instability in Circumplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 785, 101,
Wada, K., Tanaka, H., Okuzumi, S., Kobayashi, H., Suyama, T., Kimura, H., & Yamamoto, T. 2013, Growth efficiency of dust aggregates through collisions with high mass ratios, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 559, A62,
Kataoka, A., Tanaka, H., Okuzumi, S., & Wada, K. 2013, Fluffy dust forms icy planetesimals by static compression, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 557, L4,
Ormel, C. W., & Okuzumi, S. 2013, The Fate of Planetesimals in Turbulent Disks with Dead Zones. II. Limits on the Viability of Runaway Accretion, The Astrophysical Journal, 771, 44,
Okuzumi, S., & Ormel, C. W. 2013, The Fate of Planetesimals in Turbulent Disks with Dead Zones. I. The Turbulent Stirring Recipe, The Astrophysical Journal, 771, 43,
Kataoka, A., Tanaka, H., Okuzumi, S., & Wada, K. 2013, Static compression of porous dust aggregates, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 554, A4,
Muranushi, T., Okuzumi, S., & Inutsuka, S. 2012, Interdependence of Electric Discharge and Magnetorotational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 760, 56,
Okuzumi, S., & Hirose, S. 2012, Planetesimal Formation in Magnetorotationally Dead Zones: Critical Dependence on the Net Vertical Magnetic Flux, The Astrophysical Journal, 753, L8,
Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., Kobayashi, H., & Wada, K. 2012, Rapid Coagulation of Porous Dust Aggregates outside the Snow Line: A Pathway to Successful Icy Planetesimal Formation, The Astrophysical Journal, 752, 106,
Takeuchi, T., Muto, T., Okuzumi, S., Ishitsu, N., & Ida, S. 2012, Induced Turbulence and the Density Structure of the Dust Layer in a Protoplanetary Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 744, 101,
Fujii, Y. I., Okuzumi, S., & Inutsuka, S. 2011, A Fast and Accurate Calculation Scheme for Ionization Degrees in Protoplanetary and Circumplanetary Disks with Charged Dust Grains, The Astrophysical Journal, 743, 53,
Okuzumi, S., & Hirose, S. 2011, Modeling Magnetorotational Turbulence in Protoplanetary Disks with Dead Zones, The Astrophysical Journal, 742, 65,
Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., Takeuchi, T., & Sakagami, M.-. aki . 2011, Electrostatic Barrier Against Dust Growth in Protoplanetary Disks. II. Measuring the Size of the "Frozen" Zone, The Astrophysical Journal, 731, 96,
Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., Takeuchi, T., & Sakagami, M.-. aki . 2011, Electrostatic Barrier Against Dust Growth in Protoplanetary Disks. I. Classifying the Evolution of Size Distribution, The Astrophysical Journal, 731, 95,
Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., & Sakagami, M. 2009, Numerical Modeling of the Coagulation and Porosity Evolution of Dust Aggregates, The Astrophysical Journal, 707, 1247-1263,
Okuzumi, S. 2009, Electric Charging of Dust Aggregates and its Effect on Dust Coagulation in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 698, 1122-1135,
Okuzumi, S., Ioka, K., & Sakagami, M. 2008, Possible discovery of a nonlinear tail and second-order quasinormal modes in black hole ringdown, Physical Review D, 77, 124018,
Okuzumi, S., & Sakagami, M. 2007, Quasinormal ringing of acoustic black holes in Laval nozzles: Numerical simulations, Physical Review D, 76, 084027,
All refereed articles (click to expand)
Homma, K. A., Okuzumi, S., Arakawa, S., & Fukai, R. 2024, Isotopic variation of non-carbonaceous meteorites caused by dust leakage across the Jovian gap in the solar nebula, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 881-894,
Ueda, T., Tazaki, R., Okuzumi, S., Flock, M., & Sudarshan, P. 2024, Support for fragile porous dust in a gravitationally self-regulated disk around IM Lup, Nature Astronomy, 8, 1148-1158,
Fukuhara, Y., & Okuzumi, S. 2024, A self-consistent model for dust settling and the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 708-719,
Iwasaki, K., Tomida, K., Takasao, S., Okuzumi, S., & Suzuki, T. K. 2024, Dynamics near the inner dead-zone edges in a protoplanetary disk, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 76, 616-652,
Stephens, I. W., Lin, Z.-Y. D., Fernández-López, M., Li, Z.-Y., Looney, L. W., Yang, H., Harrison, R., Kataoka, A., Carrasco-Gonzalez, C., Okuzumi, S., & Tazaki, R. 2023, Aligned grains and scattered light found in gaps of planet-forming disk, Nature, 623, 705-708,
Ohashi, S., Momose, M., Kataoka, A., Higuchi, A. E., Tsukagoshi, T., Ueda, T., Codella, C., Podio, L., Hanawa, T., Sakai, N., Kobayashi, H., Okuzumi, S., & Tanaka, H. 2023, Dust Enrichment and Grain Growth in a Smooth Disk around the DG Tau Protostar Revealed by ALMA Triple Bands Frequency Observations, The Astrophysical Journal, 954, 110,
Tatsuuma, M., Kataoka, A., Okuzumi, S., & Tanaka, H. 2023, Formulating Compressive Strength of Dust Aggregates from Low to High Volume Filling Factors with Numerical Simulations, The Astrophysical Journal, 953, 6,
Arakawa, S., Okuzumi, S., Tatsuuma, M., Tanaka, H., Kokubo, E., Nishiura, D., Furuichi, M., & Nakamoto, T. 2023, Size Dependence of the Bouncing Barrier in Protoplanetary Dust Growth, The Astrophysical Journal, 951, L16,
Bae, J., Isella, A., Zhu, Z., Martin, R., Okuzumi, S., & Suriano, S. 2023, Structured Distributions of Gas and Solids in Protoplanetary Disks, Protostars and Planets VII, 534, 423,
Ueda, T., Okuzumi, S., Kataoka, A., & Flock, M. 2023, Probing the temperature structure of the inner region of a protoplanetary disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 675, A176,
Kondo, K., Okuzumi, S., & Mori, S. 2023, The Roles of Dust Growth in the Temperature Evolution and Snow Line Migration in Magnetically Accreting Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 949, 119,
Delage, T. N., Gárate, M., Okuzumi, S., Yang, C.-C., Pinilla, P., Flock, M., Stammler, S. M., & Birnstiel, T. 2023, The impact of dust evolution on the dead zone outer edge in magnetized protoplanetary disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 674, A190,
Yamamuro, R., Tanaka, K. E. I., & Okuzumi, S. 2023, Massive Protostellar Disks as a Hot Laboratory of Silicate Grain Evolution, The Astrophysical Journal, 949, 29,
Fukuhara, Y., Okuzumi, S., & Ono, T. 2023, Two saturated states of the vertical shear instability in protoplanetary disks with vertically varying cooling times, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 75, 233-249,
Okuya, A., Ida, S., Hyodo, R., & Okuzumi, S. 2023, Modelling the evolution of silicate/volatile accretion discs around white dwarfs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 519, 1657-1676,
Miyakawa, K., Hirano, T., Sato, B., Okuzumi, S., & Gaidos, E. 2022, Color Dependence of the Transit Detectability of Young Active M Dwarfs, The Astronomical Journal, 164, 209,
Okuzumi, S., Ueda, T., & Turner, N. J. 2022, A global two-layer radiative transfer model for axisymmetric, shadowed protoplanetary disks, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 74, 828-850,
Tsukamoto, Y., & Okuzumi, S. 2022, Impact of Dust Size Distribution Including Large Dust Grains on Magnetic Resistivity: An Analytical Approach, The Astrophysical Journal, 934, 88,
Tsukagoshi, T., Nomura, H., Muto, T., Kawabe, R., Kanagawa, K. D., Okuzumi, S., Ida, S., Walsh, C., Millar, T. J., Takahashi, S. Z., Hashimoto, J., Uyama, T., & Tamura, M. 2022, ALMA High-resolution Multiband Analysis for the Protoplanetary Disk around TW Hya, The Astrophysical Journal, 928, 49,
Delage, T. N., Okuzumi, S., Flock, M., Pinilla, P., & Dzyurkevich, N. 2022, Steady-state accretion in magnetized protoplanetary disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 658, A97,
Nakazawa, K., Okuzumi, S., Kurosawa, K., & Hasegawa, S. 2021, Modeling Early Clustering of Impact-induced Ejecta Particles Based on Laboratory and Numerical Experiments, The Planetary Science Journal, 2, 237,
Ueda, T., Ogihara, M., Kokubo, E., & Okuzumi, S. 2021, Early Initiation of Inner Solar System Formation at the Dead-zone Inner Edge, The Astrophysical Journal, 921, L5,
Kouchi, A., Tsuge, M., Hama, T., Oba, Y., Okuzumi, S., Sirono, S.-. iti ., Momose, M., Nakatani, N., Furuya, K., Shimonishi, T., Yamazaki, T., Hidaka, H., Kimura, Y., Murata, K.-. ichiro ., Fujita, K., Nakatsubo, S., Tachibana, S., & Watanabe, N. 2021, Transmission Electron Microscopy Study of the Morphology of Ices Composed of H2O, CO2, and CO on Refractory Grains, The Astrophysical Journal, 918, 45,
Mori, S., Okuzumi, S., Kunitomo, M., & Bai, X.-N. 2021, Evolution of the Water Snow Line in Magnetically Accreting Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 916, 72,
Kouchi, A., Tsuge, M., Hama, T., Niinomi, H., Nakatani, N., Shimonishi, T., Oba, Y., Kimura, Y., Sirono, S.-. iti ., Okuzumi, S., Momose, M., Furuya, K., & Watanabe, N. 2021, Formation of chiral CO polyhedral crystals on icy interstellar grains, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 505, 1530-1542,
Fukuhara, Y., Okuzumi, S., & Ono, T. 2021, Effects of Dust Evolution on the Vertical Shear Instability in the Outer Regions of Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 914, 132,
Nomura, H., Tsukagoshi, T., Kawabe, R., Muto, T., Kanagawa, K. D., Aikawa, Y., Akiyama, E., Okuzumi, S., Ida, S., Lee, S., Walsh, C., & Millar, T. J. 2021, High Spatial Resolution Observations of Molecular Lines toward the Protoplanetary Disk around TW Hya with ALMA, The Astrophysical Journal, 914, 113,
Hu, X., Wang, L., Okuzumi, S., & Zhu, Z. 2021, A Tale of Two Grains: Impact of Grain Size on Ring Formation via Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamic Processes, The Astrophysical Journal, 913, 133,
Ohno, K., Zhang, X., Tazaki, R., & Okuzumi, S. 2021, Haze Formation on Triton, The Astrophysical Journal, 912, 37,
Tsuchiyama, A., Miyake, A., Okuzumi, S., Kitayama, A., Kawano, J., Uesugi, K., Takeuchi, A., Nakano, T., & Zolensky, M. 2021, Discovery of primitive CO2-bearing fluid in an aqueously altered carbonaceous chondrite, Science Advances, 7, eabg9707,
Ohashi, S., Kobayashi, H., Nakatani, R., Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., Murakawa, K., Zhang, Y., Liu, H. B., & Sakai, N. 2021, Ring Formation by Coagulation of Dust Aggregates in the Early Phase of Disk Evolution around a Protostar, The Astrophysical Journal, 907, 80,
Hyodo, R., Guillot, T., Ida, S., Okuzumi, S., & Youdin, A. N. 2021, Planetesimal formation around the snow line. II. Dust or pebbles?, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 646, A14,
Ida, S., Guillot, T., Hyodo, R., Okuzumi, S., & Youdin, A. N. 2021, Planetesimal formation around the snow line. I. Monte Carlo simulations of silicate dust pile-up in a turbulent disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 646, A13,
Okuya, A., Okuzumi, S., Ohno, K., & Hirano, T. 2020, Constraining the Bulk Composition of Disintegrating Exoplanets Using Combined Transmission Spectra from JWST and SPICA, The Astrophysical Journal, 901, 171,
Ohno, K., Okuzumi, S., & Tazaki, R. 2020, Clouds of Fluffy Aggregates: How They Form in Exoplanetary Atmospheres and Influence Transmission Spectra, The Astrophysical Journal, 891, 131,
Shibaike, Y., Ormel, C. W., Ida, S., Okuzumi, S., & Sasaki, T. 2019, The Galilean Satellites Formed Slowly from Pebbles, The Astrophysical Journal, 885, 79,
Tazaki, R., Tanaka, H., Kataoka, A., Okuzumi, S., & Muto, T. 2019, Unveiling Dust Aggregate Structure in Protoplanetary Disks by Millimeter-wave Scattering Polarization, The Astrophysical Journal, 885, 52,
Hu, X., Zhu, Z., Okuzumi, S., Bai, X.-N., Wang, L., Tomida, K., & Stone, J. M. 2019, Nonideal MHD Simulation of HL Tau Disk: Formation of Rings, The Astrophysical Journal, 885, 36,
Tazaki, R., Tanaka, H., Muto, T., Kataoka, A., & Okuzumi, S. 2019, Effect of dust size and structure on scattered-light images of protoplanetary discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 485, 4951-4966,
Tsukagoshi, T., Muto, T., Nomura, H., Kawabe, R., Kanagawa, K. D., Okuzumi, S., Ida, S., Walsh, C., Millar, T. J., Takahashi, S. Z., Hashimoto, J., Uyama, T., & Tamura, M. 2019, Discovery of An au-scale Excess in Millimeter Emission from the Protoplanetary Disk around TW Hya, The Astrophysical Journal, 878, L8,
Okuzumi, S., Mori, S., & Inutsuka, S. 2019, The Generalized Nonlinear Ohm's Law: How a Strong Electric Field Influences Nonideal MHD Effects in Dusty Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 878, 133,
Okuzumi, S., & Tazaki, R. 2019, Nonsticky Ice at the Origin of the Uniformly Polarized Submillimeter Emission from the HL Tau Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 878, 132,
Homma, K. A., Okuzumi, S., Nakamoto, T., & Ueda, Y. 2019, Rocky Planetesimal Formation Aided by Organics, The Astrophysical Journal, 877, 128,
Koga, S., Tsukamoto, Y., Okuzumi, S., & Machida, M. N. 2019, Dependence of Hall coefficient on grain size and cosmic ray rate and implication for circumstellar disc formation, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 484, 2119-2136,
Ida, S., Yamamura, T., & Okuzumi, S. 2019, Water delivery by pebble accretion to rocky planets in habitable zones in evolving disks, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 624, A28,
Kataoka, A., Okuzumi, S., & Tazaki, R. 2019, Millimeter-wave Polarization Due to Grain Alignment by the Gas Flow in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 874, L6,
Mori, S., Bai, X.-N., & Okuzumi, S. 2019, Temperature Structure in the Inner Regions of Protoplanetary Disks: Inefficient Accretion Heating Controlled by Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamics, The Astrophysical Journal, 872, 98,
Ueda, T., Flock, M., & Okuzumi, S. 2019, Dust Pileup at the Dead-zone Inner Edge and Implications for the Disk Shadow, The Astrophysical Journal, 871, 10,
Kanagawa, K. D., Muto, T., Okuzumi, S., Tanigawa, T., Taki, T., & Shibaike, Y. 2018, Impacts of Dust Feedback on a Dust Ring Induced by a Planet in a Protoplanetary Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 868, 48,
Tsukamoto, Y., Okuzumi, S., Iwasaki, K., Machida, M. N., & Inutsuka, S. 2018, Does Misalignment between Magnetic Field and Angular Momentum Enhance or Suppress Circumstellar Disk Formation?, The Astrophysical Journal, 868, 22,
Ohno, K., & Okuzumi, S. 2018, Microphysical Modeling of Mineral Clouds in GJ1214 b and GJ436 b: Predicting Upper Limits on the Cloud-top Height, The Astrophysical Journal, 859, 34,
Machida, M. N., Higuchi, K., & Okuzumi, S. 2018, Different modes of star formation: gravitational collapse of magnetically subcritical cloud, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473, 3080-3094,
Johansen, A., & Okuzumi, S. 2018, Harvesting the decay energy of 26Al to drive lightning discharge in protoplanetary discs, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 609, A31,
Tsukamoto, Y., Okuzumi, S., Iwasaki, K., Machida, M. N., & Inutsuka, S. 2017, The impact of the Hall effect during cloud core collapse: Implications for circumstellar disk evolution, Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, 69, 95,
Mori, S., Muranushi, T., Okuzumi, S., & Inutsuka, S. 2017, Electron Heating and Saturation of Self-regulating Magnetorotational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 849, 86,
Shibaike, Y., Okuzumi, S., Sasaki, T., & Ida, S. 2017, Satellitesimal Formation via Collisional Dust Growth in Steady Circumplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 846, 81,
Schoonenberg, D., Okuzumi, S., & Ormel, C. W. 2017, What pebbles are made of: Interpretation of the V883 Ori disk, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 605, L2,
Hasegawa, Y., Okuzumi, S., Flock, M., & Turner, N. J. 2017, Magnetically Induced Disk Winds and Transport in the HL Tau Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 845, 31,
Kanagawa, K. D., Ueda, T., Muto, T., & Okuzumi, S. 2017, Effect of Dust Radial Drift on Viscous Evolution of Gaseous Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 844, 142,
Ueda, T., Okuzumi, S., & Flock, M. 2017, Analytic Expressions for the Inner-rim Structure of Passively Heated Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 843, 49,
Tsukamoto, Y., Okuzumi, S., & Kataoka, A. 2017, Apparent Disk-mass Reduction and Planetisimal Formation in Gravitationally Unstable Disks in Class 0/I Young Stellar Objects, The Astrophysical Journal, 838, 151,
Ohno, K., & Okuzumi, S. 2017, A Condensation-coalescence Cloud Model for Exoplanetary Atmospheres: Formulation and Test Applications to Terrestrial and Jovian Clouds, The Astrophysical Journal, 835, 261,
Tsukagoshi, T., Nomura, H., Muto, T., Kawabe, R., Ishimoto, D., Kanagawa, K. D., Okuzumi, S., Ida, S., Walsh, C., & Millar, T. J. 2016, A Gap with a Deficit of Large Grains in the Protoplanetary Disk around TW Hya, The Astrophysical Journal, 829, L35,
Tazaki, R., Tanaka, H., Okuzumi, S., Kataoka, A., & Nomura, H. 2016, Light Scattering by Fractal Dust Aggregates. I. Angular Dependence of Scattering, The Astrophysical Journal, 823, 70,
Sato, T., Okuzumi, S., & Ida, S. 2016, On the water delivery to terrestrial embryos by ice pebble accretion, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 589, A15,
Okuzumi, S., Momose, M., Sirono, S.-. iti ., Kobayashi, H., & Tanaka, H. 2016, Sintering-induced Dust Ring Formation in Protoplanetary Disks: Application to the HL Tau Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 821, 82,
Nomura, H., Tsukagoshi, T., Kawabe, R., Ishimoto, D., Okuzumi, S., Muto, T., Kanagawa, K. D., Ida, S., Walsh, C., Millar, T. J., & Bai, X.-N. 2016, ALMA Observations of a Gap and a Ring in the Protoplanetary Disk around TW Hya, The Astrophysical Journal, 819, L7,
Kobayashi, H., Tanaka, H., & Okuzumi, S. 2016, From Planetesimals to Planets in Turbulent Protoplanetary Disks. I. Onset of Runaway Growth, The Astrophysical Journal, 817, 105,
Lyra, W., Richert, A. J. W., Boley, A., Turner, N., Mac Low, M.-M., Okuzumi, S., & Flock, M. 2016, On Shocks Driven by High-mass Planets in Radiatively Inefficient Disks. II. Three-dimensional Global Disk Simulations, The Astrophysical Journal, 817, 102,
Mori, S., & Okuzumi, S. 2016, Electron Heating in Magnetorotational Instability: Implications for Turbulence Strength in the Outer Regions of Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 817, 52,
Muranushi, T., Akiyama, E., Inutsuka, S., Nomura, H., & Okuzumi, S. 2015, Development of a Method for the Observation of Lightning in Protoplanetary Disks Using Ion Lines, The Astrophysical Journal, 815, 84,
Tsukamoto, Y., Iwasaki, K., Okuzumi, S., Machida, M. N., & Inutsuka, S. 2015, Effects of Ohmic and ambipolar diffusion on formation and evolution of first cores, protostars, and circumstellar discs, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452, 278-288,
Tsukamoto, Y., Iwasaki, K., Okuzumi, S., Machida, M. N., & Inutsuka, S. 2015, Bimodality of Circumstellar Disk Evolution Induced by the Hall Current, The Astrophysical Journal, 810, L26,
Tomida, K., Okuzumi, S., & Machida, M. N. 2015, Radiation Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Protostellar Collapse: Nonideal Magnetohydrodynamic Effects and Early Formation of Circumstellar Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 801, 117,
Okuzumi, S., & Inutsuka, S. 2015, The Nonlinear Ohm's Law: Plasma Heating by Strong Electric Fields and its Effects on the Ionization Balance in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 800, 47,
Takeuchi, T., & Okuzumi, S. 2014, Radial Transport of Large-scale Magnetic Fields in Accretion Disks. II. Relaxation to Steady States, The Astrophysical Journal, 797, 132,
Kataoka, A., Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., & Nomura, H. 2014, Opacity of fluffy dust aggregates, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 568, A42,
Okuzumi, S., Takeuchi, T., & Muto, T. 2014, Radial Transport of Large-scale Magnetic Fields in Accretion Disks. I. Steady Solutions and an Upper Limit on the Vertical Field Strength, The Astrophysical Journal, 785, 127,
Fujii, Y. I., Okuzumi, S., Tanigawa, T., & Inutsuka, S. 2014, On the Viability of the Magnetorotational Instability in Circumplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 785, 101,
Wada, K., Tanaka, H., Okuzumi, S., Kobayashi, H., Suyama, T., Kimura, H., & Yamamoto, T. 2013, Growth efficiency of dust aggregates through collisions with high mass ratios, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 559, A62,
Kataoka, A., Tanaka, H., Okuzumi, S., & Wada, K. 2013, Fluffy dust forms icy planetesimals by static compression, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 557, L4,
Ormel, C. W., & Okuzumi, S. 2013, The Fate of Planetesimals in Turbulent Disks with Dead Zones. II. Limits on the Viability of Runaway Accretion, The Astrophysical Journal, 771, 44,
Okuzumi, S., & Ormel, C. W. 2013, The Fate of Planetesimals in Turbulent Disks with Dead Zones. I. The Turbulent Stirring Recipe, The Astrophysical Journal, 771, 43,
Kataoka, A., Tanaka, H., Okuzumi, S., & Wada, K. 2013, Static compression of porous dust aggregates, Astronomy and Astrophysics, 554, A4,
Tomida, K., Tomisaka, K., Matsumoto, T., Hori, Y., Okuzumi, S., Machida, M. N., & Saigo, K. 2013, Radiation Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Protostellar Collapse: Protostellar Core Formation, The Astrophysical Journal, 763, 6,
Muranushi, T., Okuzumi, S., & Inutsuka, S. 2012, Interdependence of Electric Discharge and Magnetorotational Instability in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 760, 56,
Okuzumi, S., & Hirose, S. 2012, Planetesimal Formation in Magnetorotationally Dead Zones: Critical Dependence on the Net Vertical Magnetic Flux, The Astrophysical Journal, 753, L8,
Suyama, T., Wada, K., Tanaka, H., & Okuzumi, S. 2012, Geometric Cross Sections of Dust Aggregates and a Compression Model for Aggregate Collisions, The Astrophysical Journal, 753, 115,
Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., Kobayashi, H., & Wada, K. 2012, Rapid Coagulation of Porous Dust Aggregates outside the Snow Line: A Pathway to Successful Icy Planetesimal Formation, The Astrophysical Journal, 752, 106,
Takeuchi, T., Muto, T., Okuzumi, S., Ishitsu, N., & Ida, S. 2012, Induced Turbulence and the Density Structure of the Dust Layer in a Protoplanetary Disk, The Astrophysical Journal, 744, 101,
Fujii, Y. I., Okuzumi, S., & Inutsuka, S. 2011, A Fast and Accurate Calculation Scheme for Ionization Degrees in Protoplanetary and Circumplanetary Disks with Charged Dust Grains, The Astrophysical Journal, 743, 53,
Okuzumi, S., & Hirose, S. 2011, Modeling Magnetorotational Turbulence in Protoplanetary Disks with Dead Zones, The Astrophysical Journal, 742, 65,
Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., Takeuchi, T., & Sakagami, M. 2011, Electrostatic Barrier Against Dust Growth in Protoplanetary Disks. II. Measuring the Size of the "Frozen" Zone, The Astrophysical Journal, 731, 96,
Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., Takeuchi, T., & Sakagami, M. 2011, Electrostatic Barrier Against Dust Growth in Protoplanetary Disks. I. Classifying the Evolution of Size Distribution, The Astrophysical Journal, 731, 95,
Okuzumi, S., Tanaka, H., & Sakagami, M. 2009, Numerical Modeling of the Coagulation and Porosity Evolution of Dust Aggregates, The Astrophysical Journal, 707, 1247-1263,
Okuzumi, S. 2009, Electric Charging of Dust Aggregates and its Effect on Dust Coagulation in Protoplanetary Disks, The Astrophysical Journal, 698, 1122-1135,
Okuzumi, S., Ioka, K., & Sakagami, M. 2008, Possible discovery of a nonlinear tail and second-order quasinormal modes in black hole ringdown, Physical Review D, 77, 124018,
Okuzumi, S., & Sakagami, M. 2007, Quasinormal ringing of acoustic black holes in Laval nozzles: Numerical simulations, Physical Review D, 76, 084027,
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奥住聡 (2024) 新連載:「みつめる,みつもる」その1 〜ガス惑星形成の始まりの瞬間をみつもる〜, 遊星人, 33, 26. pdf
奥住聡 (2019) ALMA望遠鏡でスノーラインを観る (特集「ALMAで迫る惑星科学」), 遊星人, 28, 285. pdf
奥住聡 (2016) ダストと乱流の詳細モデルが明らかにした微惑星形成の新描像 (研究奨励賞), 天文月報, 109, 839. pdf
奥住聡 (2014) ダストから微惑星へ:衝突密度進化と急速合体成長 (2013年度最優秀研究者賞受賞記念論文), 遊星人, 23, 371. pdf
奥住聡, 廣瀬重信 (2011) 原始惑星系円盤におけるダストと磁気乱流の共進化, 遊星人, 20, 42. pdf
奥住聡 (2011) 原始惑星系円盤におけるダストの帯電: 静電気を考慮した微惑星形成シナリオの再構築へ向けて, 天文月報, 104, 126. pdf